Sunday, September 25, 2011

More doodles

Just another doodle dump. All my stuff drawn over the past week. Trying to get back into drawing more again which is hard because of my classes. I will not let school get in the way of my art :| Because seriously, what's the use of going to school for art when I'm not learning art and its keeping me from improving?

That chick on top is mostly shirtless because her anatomy came out all awesome and I didn't want to ruin it with clothes. I also just wanted to practice drawing women a bit more because I usually mainly draw men. And I wanted to practice expressions. So its all mainly just practice doodles.
That bottom picture is the hallway at my college.

Oh yeah did I forgot to mention? I'm not going to Sheridan. Realized I wouldn't be able to pay for it. At the moment, I'm just taking a few gen ed classes at the community college and transferring to the state University to major in studio art and graphic design and minor in Chinese.

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